Evaluation of Forensics resulting from Scene Examinations
Canadian Forensic Consulting Incorporated (CFCI) is here to assist you with the interpretation of events based on reports and photographs of an incident. A review of files and photographs related to an incident may reveal further information or suggest additional areas for investigation. The meaning of evidence collected may not always be clear and therefore it is important to understand what the physical evidence can actually prove.
As lead service provider at CFCI, Shane Coughlan is able to provide insights into occurrences based on physical evidence. Shane can review scene photos and reports and provide an expert opinion regarding what may have occurred. Potentially providing a list of individual events, the order in which some or all of the events occurred, and what meaning these events may have. Shane may also be able to provide insight into what individual pieces of evidence indicate and what that means to you or your client.
Sometimes things can be seen in photographs that were overlooked during the examination of a scene or event. For example, a void in the dust on a table or something poking out from under a chair pillow could be important pieces of evidence. Other things can be determined as well, such as the meaning of a footwear impression in a fire scene; was it on top of burnt debris or under soot and ash? These types of observations could help determine when the impression was deposited - before, after or during a fire. A small item overlooked could have a significant impact on an investigation.
Having your client’s file reviewed will ensure all of the available evidence has been considered. In order to facilitate these types of reviews, CFCI has employed a digital method that allows full size images and files to be shared with us by using a secure file sharing system. CFCI will review the reports and images provided, and then based on the scope of work required, will provide you with a tailored response, answering only the questions you specifically ask, or a comprehensive report reviewing the entire incident.
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