Physical Matching
At Canadian Forensic Consulting Incorporated (CFCI) we have the experience and training to evaluate all your physical matching needs. We can evaluate a match that has already been made or possibly suggest where a match could be attempted.
A physical match is when one part of a broken or ripped item is said to have come from another part. It can also be when an identification of a vehicle, person or object is made from a photo or video. CFCI lead, Shane Coughlan, has the training and experience to provide an expert opinion on the accuracy and reliability of a physical or match and in some cases make suggestions of where a physical match should or could be made.
There are times when physically matching two items together can be critical to proving or disproving an event. Did a piece of a light lens found at a collision actually come from the vehicle in question? Did the stub of a match found at the scene of a fire fit into a recovered book of matches? Was a vehicle that was identified from a video actually the vehicle in the video or just a similar one? The answers to these questions can be very important or critical to your case.
In some instances digital files, which would include full size scene images, and other information from the investigation to provide an opinion on physical matches that have been made. In some cases the actual physical items may be required to perform these comparisons. Accuracy and completeness of information is critical in these circumstances. Based on the scope of work requested, CFCI, will provide you with a tailored response, answering only the questions you specifically ask, or a comprehensive report reviewing the physical match.
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