Footwear Impressions
A footwear impression is simply an impression made by something worn on a person’s feet. Common examples are athletic shoes, dress shoes, boots or slippers. Canadian Forensic Consulting Incorporated (CFCI) can help you with footwear impression related issues. We can perform an analysis of a footwear impression comparison that has been completed, whether a positive identification was made or not. CFCI can also examine scene photos and documentation to determine the relevance of the footwear impression and even suggest if a further comparison should be completed.
CFCI will provide a report explaining the meaning of a footwear impression that has been collected and compared. Unlike fingerprints, footwear is not unique until it acquires damage to the bottom of the shoe. The damage is referred to as accidental characteristics and it's the number or type of accidental characteristic that can provide a range of certainty in a comparison of the footwear to a scene impression. Footwear comparisons can yield a positive match, probable match, possible match or not a match.
Through the examination of photos and scene reports CFCI may be able to determine the relevance of footwear impressions located at a scene. CFCI will review the reports and images provided, and then based on the scope of work required, will provide you with a tailored response, answering only the questions you specifically ask, or a comprehensive report reviewing the footwear evidence and its relevance.
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