Fire Investigations

Canadian Forensic Consulting Incorporated (CFCI) can be relied upon to provide expert consultation on the validity and accuracy of all or part of a fire investigation. We can suggest where clarification or further follow up may be required prior to a case being presented in court.

Fire investigation is a complicated event with many factors and sometimes competing interests. A review of an investigation or investigations into a fire event from a qualified, professional and non-biased perspective may be essential to further understanding the cause of a fire. 

Fire investigative photo of match burning
A forensic photo of a kitchen grease fire

Shane Coughlan had been trained by the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI) and the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) using the instructions and principles outlined by NFPA921. NFPA921 is a living document written by the foremost fire investigation experts in North America. It is often referred to as the gold standard for fire investigators.

Shane has investigated, processed or consulted on hundreds of fire scenes. Shane has often been successful in determining the cause of the fire, typically locating the area or point of origin using various methods. Shane grew up in construction and the trades so has a strong understanding of how structures are built. This helps when retracing the path of a fire using fire patterns captured with quality photographs of the building or vehicle.

CFCI can provide a professional assessment of a fire investigation and evaluate adherence to the processes suggested in NFPA921. The assessment would be based on a review of the reports and photos provided, whether proper procedures and techniques were used and whether the final determination was reasonable and supported by evidence. This type of assessment could help determine if further information was required for court worthiness.

CFCI will provide you with a tailored response, answering only the questions you specifically ask, or a comprehensive report reviewing the entire incident.

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