Fingerprint and palm print Comparison Services
At Canadian Forensic Consulting Incorporated (CFCI) we offer a broad range of services regarding fingerprint comparison and interpretation. Whether this involves a latent print, palm or finger, found at a scene or on an object, or information about a comparison that has been completed, we will work to provide you with an accurate unbiased and evidence-based response.
As lead at CFCI, Shane Coughlan was trained in fingerprint and palm print detection, documentation and comparison at the Canadian Police College. He then spent ten years in a police forensic identification section where his entire job was processing scenes. This work involved locating, photographing and collecting various types of evidence including fingerprints, palm prints, footwear impressions, blood spatter, DNA deposits and others. The evidence was then collected and processed. DNA and ballistics were sent to the RCMP laboratories for further analysis, fingerprints and footwear impressions were processed in the forensic section lab by Shane. He would compare the fingerprints from the scene to known fingerprints and if no match was made would submit them to the Automated Fingerprints Identification System known as AFIS.
Shane has processed thousands of fingerprints and made hundreds of identifications throughout his career. In 2010 Shane was designated a Certified Fingerprint Examiner by the Assistant Deputy Minister, Law Enforcement and Policing Branch, Public Safety Canada.
Fingerprint and palm print evidence is not always straightforward. How a fingerprint was located or captured, how it was handled or how a comparison was performed may be difficult to understand. Questions such as whether lifting tape was used, how were the comparison print obtained, and was AFIS involved? These are all important considerations.
Shane is qualified to assist you in any fingerprint related issues and can provide an opinion on a comparison that was made or complete a comparison that was not attempted. Additionally, he can also provide an educated opinion on what a fingerprint or palm print from a scene means for you or your client based on reports and photographs. If you need advice on furthering an investigation or court preparations involving a fingerprint, Shane can review your information and provide an expert opinion regarding next steps.
As security of information is very important to CFCI, no private information or images are shared through email. Please see the security page for more information.
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